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Unexpected white space and page break

Go to solution Solved by AnnMary.Thomas,

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When generating my report, sometimes in the middle of a sub-report I have a big white space due to an unexpected page break. So the detail of the sub-report continues on the next page, even if there are enough place on the current page.

The same issue occurs sometimes also when a sub-report is completed, the next one starts on a new page ignoring the current page.


I cannot figure out how to change that behaviour, since it occurs not always and the expected output is not to have any white space.

How to avoid that kind of white spaces, especially a table that is split in the middle of the page ...



- The structure my report (report.png) - the issue occurs in the "Quote Blocks" area, so the same block is split with a big white space or the next block moves to the next page


- An example of a PDF is correct (pdf_ok) without unexpected breaks


- An example of incorrect PDF


Thank you in advance for your help. Any idea is welcome!

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The split type = 'Stretch' created another white space another page break just before filling the subreport as in the screenshot in my comment above. Previously the page break occured in the middle of the sub-report...

So if there are other possibilities to check?

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I've got it - I recreated all reports (main and subs) based on your recommendations - with splitType="Stretch" on all detail bands and with the same height (it was already the case, but I did it again :-)

I had always in some cases the page break - I changed then the footer and header margins on the master report. From 40 to 18 - and miracle - the blank space was totally eliminated or significantly decreased.

Thank you AnnMary for your support and help. You gave me right ideas

Best regards

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