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I need to make a change to an existing Jasper report.  I've never used Jasper before so my Eclipse is not setup for it.  I installed the YASW Library and Jasper.  When I open DetailAnalsys.jrxml, I get a screen that says Main Report but nothing else.  When I click on the source code tab, I see the source code.  I expected to see a graphic representation of the report on the Design screen but I just see "Main Report".  When I try to compile the report, I get an error which I can't paste into this question (paste isn't working).  The guts of the error message are:

java.lang.Linkage error: loader constraint violation when resolving method org.apache.log4.spi.LoggingEvent.<init> ...  The class loader instance of the current class, org/apache/log4j/category, and the class loader for the resolved class have different Class objects.

How can I know what version of jLog4 is needed for Jasper?   I think I have version 1.2.16

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I downloaded the Jaspersoft Studio and it seems to work. How do I move a change to my jboss server? Creating a WAR file didn't move my change so I suspect I have to do something else.


To be clear, this report is already running on jboss and being called by a java application. I am just trying to change an existing report. I have the modified DetailAnalysis.jrxml file but I don't know how to deploy it to the jboss server I know how to create war files from the normal java programs and deploy them to jboss but that process doesn't seem to include the jrxml file.


If I use JasperStudio outside of Eclipse, I can do a build and move the .jasper file into my Eclipse workspace. When I do this, building a WAR file from Eclipse picks up my change when I deploy the WAR file to jboss.

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