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I am beginner in jasper reports. I have creates simple reports to start with where i am using spring with jasper report. Here i did pass the datasource(as JRBeanCollectionDataSource) under parameter map to jasper template where i am displaying user records. Work great.

Now on click off addess under main report, i want to display deatiled address report(kind of drill down report) . What i want is pass the userdId from main report to my web application(hosted on tomcat) which fetches the address data and pass it on to drill down address report template(something i did it for main report).

But i did not get any example related to it.Any help here ?

Some links suggest :-

1) I need to download JasperReport server. Is it mandatory ? 2) Some half baked examples make use of query from report template. What if i need to pass the data from java based on id passed from main report?

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Please ig nore this question as i have put the formatted question. Somehow  was not able to edit this question. Please reply on latest one.


Hi Emily,

You can do drill down in jaspersoft using hyperlink but hyperlink work with jasperserver based reports which you can publish through iReport or jasper studio. You can pass parameters to another report or same report through theough hyperlink and then pass these parameters to your input controls and then it works as drill down report.




Can't i hit my java application from hyperlink URL and return filled report as response from server? Also can my java application

call published reports on jasper server and display it in browser?

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