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I was trying to do a new JNDI connection to use it in JasperServer. I read the Server Install Guide and I notice that before the jasperserver.war installation you had to define the JNDI sources in WebSphere and those of them are put in /WEB-INF/ibm-web-bnd.xmi with its corresponding reference. But now, I have to do a new JNDI connection and the ibm-web-bnd.xmi is not being rewritten in the restating tries so my test connection in JasperServer is impossible to do. What can I do? I don't think that I have to re-install the application only for this...

Thanks in advance,


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Sorry, but where in the JasperReports Server install guide does it mention about editing "/WEB-INF/ibm-web-bnd.xmi" file?

If you are using either PostgreSQL or MySQL, refer to section " Defining a JNDI Name and Sample Data Sources for PostgreSQL and MySQL" in "JasperReports Server Install Guide 6.0".

There are other sections on setting up JNDI Name for DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server.


Yes, I said that I was following step by step the "JasperReports Server Install Guide 5.5" to create a JNDI source against DB2, but those data sources have to be created before the application deployment and now, I want to do a new data source and the ibm-web-bnd.xmi is not being update when I do it the new connection in WebSphere 7.0.

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