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I need Jasper Interview Questions


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Sample questions:

1) What is the advantage of using IReport/JasperSoft Studio in desigining reports? What's the disadvantage

a) Allows those without a technical java background to quickly and easily design reports, drawback is that jrxml templates are static and allow for little dynamic/on the fly changes to report content

2) What is the advantage of using pure Java (no jrxml) in designing reports?

a) Allows greater control of how the report is generated, allows for dynamic report content/disadvantage is that it requires a solid understanding of Java programming and requires greater trial and error to achieve the desired layout (there is no preview mode)

3) What options are available to developers for integrating Jasper Reprots into an existing web application?

a) The spring framework has support for running/intregrating reports in ain existing java web app, Maven has a plug in that will compile jrxml templates into java bytecode that can be packaged just like any other java program into a war/ear file; Jasper provides a SOAP API, a REST API, and now a VIsualize.js javascript framework for integration of a JasperServer installation into an existing java web application (these provide a bridge between a java app and JasperServer)

4) Does JasperSoft provide a method to version reports/report templates?

a) No, not out of the box. Jrxml and Java classes used in reports design/generation must be versioned using SVN, Hg, etc.

5) When does it make sense to use a subreport? 

a) When the result set of another query is required in the same report; Jasper is intended to use one query per report, with the exception of subdata sets (research this on your own); also, if a report that contains a query can be reused in other reports, it makes sense to package it as a subreport, this avoids code duplication

6)  Why wouid we use a subreport vs a sub dataset?

a) when a return value is required; only subreports can return a value; when the code can be used in multiple places; subreports are themselves fully fledged reprots that can be used independently or within other reports

7) How are values passed to reports at runtime? 

a) via parameters

8) Can multiple data sources be used in the same report?

a) yes it is possible, but not recommended; everything but the main report connection must be defined within a parameter, and unless JNDI name spaces are configured for the various data sources, usernames and passwords must be stored within the JRXML itself; which for various reasons is not good design practice. Jasper is intended to use one datasource per report

9) Can the same jrxml template be used to properly export to various output formats?

a) yes, the same template can be used to export to a variety of output formats, but compromises must be made; for example a template optimized for export to PDF may not result in the best looking/fucntioning excel spreadsheet; in such cases each ouitput format would require a dedicated jrxml template

10) Can jasper reports include images that are generated dynamically at runtime?

Yes, Jasper can generate images using the JRRenderable class, where parameters can be based, the image generated, and then included in the report. See an example here: http://tedwise.com/2010/02/07/creating-a-circular-gradient-in-ireport/



Good luck with your interview, I hope this gets the creative juices flowing!

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