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Customizing the User Interface - Hiding Homescreen options


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Hi Katherine,


How are you getting on with this? I want to achieve the exact same thing so I am interested! So far I have identified the code that displays the Popular Resources and can comment that out. Although I wonder if there is a simple config setting to achieve the same thing.


I've noticed the the Popular Resources are controlled from within the <WAR>/optimized-scripts folder. So firstly I changed the following setting to false in order to be able to run the non-optimized version of the scripts. So in WEB-INF/js.config.properites


# Control default value of javascript optimization in runtime



Then in <WAR>/scripts/home folder, the file view/HomeView.js has this statement near the bottom:




which adds in the Popular Resources.


Then also this in template/homeTemplate.htm:


<!--Popular Links-->


<div style="height:24px;"></div>


So I commented those two out and that removed the Popular Resources. However, it would be necessary to recompile the scripts with the changes so that the optimized versions can be used. I haven't got to that stage yet!




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Thanks for the info. I knew you could mess with the javascript, but didn't know a lot about doing that.


I did find a section in the applicationContext-rest-services.xml file with the comment 'Video Tutorials' above it. I commented those lines and restarted the service just to see what would happen.


I still see the 'Popular Resources' header and below it says 'you have nothing to show'. So, the links are gone, but that's not quite as clean as I'd prefer for sending into a production environment.


You can also comment out the links to the tutorials for reports, adhoc, data sources, etc. I've not decided yet, but that may be something we wish to remove as well.


We don't provide users with all the functionality that tutorials and videos promise. So, I find it's best to hide that info than offer false promises.


I agree it seems like there should be a simple option to turn it off, but so far I've found that to customize anything I have to go to various xml and properties files. Currently I'm at nearly a dozen I've customized to hide one thing or another.


I will post if I find anything else.



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  • 5 months later...

hi Katherine,

How did yopu manage to remove the 'view list' link from the dashboard, while its still there for Datasorces , Ad Hoc View and Reports.

I have a similar requirement, where I have to customize the 'view list' link of each of the items and place a different link on click of these links.

I have not yet been able to locate the code, which brings this 'view list' link. I would really appriaciate if you could help me on this.


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  • 3 weeks later...

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