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If you don't need the datatype to be BigDecimal, just change it when reading in the fields. As is in your error message, BigDecimal is a class in Java.math.BigDecimal. Your column "V_VUE_NB_DECIMAL" probably isn't a number.


The column is an Oracle NUMBER. ojdbc14.jar AUTOMATICALLY converts a number in java.math.BigDecimal.

It is easy to replace java.math.BigDecimal by java.lang.Double in fichier.jrxml, but it is even easier to forget.

It would be easier to know how to install the prerequisites for iReport automatically manages java.math.BigDecimal

Not too sure about your question. Do you want to modify database datatype to Java datatype mapping? There's such a mapping file in JasperReports Server but are you trying to find such a mapping file for iReports?
  • 2 weeks later...

I distribute the reports that users can change.

When fetching columns NUMBER Oracle ojdbc14.jar via iReport 4.51 defined as java.math.BigDecimal these columns, and it is the norm.

But when the reports thus generated in our application is used, we find the error "Error 2004: Unable to get value for field 'V_VUE_NB_DECIMAL' of class' java.math.BigDecimal".

I am looking to deploy elements in iReports that can RunTime managed the 'java.math.BigDecimal.

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