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I have upgarde to Jasper server 5.5.0 from 4.5.1.But when compare to 4.5.1 Loading and running reports in Jasper server 5.5.0 is very slow.Is there any solution to fix this ?



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Use firbug to test each and every component loading time.

Either it could be

1) Server heap memory allocaiton. (In this case increase the tomcat memory power at setenv.bat or service.bat).

2) Your database query : Check out the query retrival time ( best practice to avoid complex joins or giving indexing to the fields ).




Just testing it. However, I've been using 5.6.0 and am very pleased with it. 5.6.1 is mostly a bug fix release. Additionally, 5.6 professional version supports Virtualize.js and I'm converting pages to use my own pages because JasperReports Server pages are often too complex to users. For example, I can let users choose reports from a carousel. See demo page below:



I can also allow users to enter data displayed on a page:



Another advantage of Visualize.js is that I can setup security more easily. For example, I don't have to rebuild JasperReports Server to support ssl on my pages.

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