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I'm just setup the JasperServer 5.6.0 (community version) in a testing machine. It is planed to be a report-provider for a web-service.

In my web-service, I'm tyring to show a report in iframe with url "http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/myreport.html?param_text=Hello%20World". The report has been generated successfully, but firefox popup the download dialog box instead of showing in iframe.

After checking, it is because the jasperserver embed the belows statement in HTTP-Header:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="myreport.html"

My question is: How can I showing the report in the iframe instead of downloading. Can above header can removed by parameter?

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Kensonman, have you figured this out yet?  Although hozawa is correct that browsers can override what the server sends, it does not answer your question.  I also wish to override JasperServer's content-dispositions when using the rest_V2 web service, but like you, have not found the answer.  If I were using Java and the Jasper Library, it's a simple matter of using setheader, e.g.  response.setHeader("Content-disposition","inline; filename="" + file.getName() + """); , but not for the web service...  Please let me know if you have an answer.  

Thank you.

  • 6 years later...

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