tadaskrisciunas Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 Hi,I am having a hard time figuring out a pressing issue related to setting input controls via JasperReports Server Web Services. I want to use the web service accessible by http://<host>:<port>/jasperserver[-pro]/rest_v2/reports/path/to/report/inputControls/<ic1>;<ic2>;.../values/ , and I wrote some code closely following the specification of the service (from JasperReports Server Web Services Guide, Release 5.6, pg. 86).I use Java with Jersey client, and have the following code: public static Client login( String username, String password ) { Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); //Now setup authentication HttpAuthenticationFeature feature = HttpAuthenticationFeature.basic(username, password); client.register(feature); return client; } public static String setInputControls( Client client, String report, String[]... args ) throws Exception { //Target JasperReports Server, our report String api_link = "http://localhost:8091/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reports/" + report + "/inputControls/"; for (String[] arg : args) { api_link = api_link + arg[0] + ";"; } api_link = api_link.substring(0, api_link.length() - 1) + "/values/"; WebTarget target = client.target(api_link); String json_param = "{n"; for (String[] arg : args) { json_param = json_param + """ + arg[0] + "": ["; for (int i = 1; i < arg.length; i++) { json_param = json_param + """ + arg[i] + "", "; } json_param = json_param.substring(0, json_param.length() - 2) + "],n"; } json_param = json_param + "}"; Response response = target.request().post(Entity.entity(json_param, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); return "HTTP STATUS: " + response.getStatus() + "<br><br>" + response.readEntity(String.class); } [/code]to run the program as followsClient client = login("jasperadmin", "jasperadmin");return setInputControls( client, report, new String[] {"week_1", "9", "15", "27", "11"}, new String[] {"day_name_1", "friday "} )[/code]The code seems to do exactly what it is supposed to do, but when I download the report I tried to change the input control values of, I always get the same old version with the default input control values. Even though my query always returns HTTP status 200 and a renewed JSON of input control values, exactly as it should on success.What did I do wrong? I have spent almost a day trying to figure it out, but the code seems to do what it should...
Solution marianol Posted July 15, 2014 Solution Posted July 15, 2014 This should help you out... https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client
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