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I collect Times like 41:20:13 or 00:02:10 in a Subreport (in defferent categorys like: warning, critical).

Now, I want to get a sum of all this times in the mainreport (a sum per category).

How I do that?

I Tryd to make for every category a variable with a expression like this:

$F{IsHost}.intValue() == 1 ?    $F{state}.intValue() == 0 ?0:    $F{state}.intValue() == 1 ?0:    $F{state}.intValue() == 2 ?0:0:    $F{state}.intValue() == 0 ?0:    $F{state}.intValue() == 1 ? $F{dauer}:    $F{state}.intValue() == 2 ?0:    $F{state}.intValue() == 3 ?0:0[/code]

But the report generate faild:

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 0[/code]

I don't know witch "value class name" I have to choose... and how i transver this to the main report and why i have this error....

Can someone help me?

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In the Mainreport I fetch Hosts from the DB and in the subreport I fetch losses for every Host.

At the End of Every Host I like to have the total Times from every losses category.

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