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trying to create parameter screen using input controls


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I am trying to create a parameter screen in report server for the user to select.

One parameter should be LOV. I am defining a query behind this input control.

When testing repoirt, no values are displayed.

Any help? Thanks


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I couldn't get your attachments to open, so I may not understand your problem correctly, but I'll offer some suggestions.

First, when you right click the report name, select "Edit", then go to "Controls & Resources." The "always prompt" box should be checked.

Next, when you click an individual input control, the second page (":Create Input Control") will have three check boxes: Mandatory, Read-Only, and Visible. Make sure the Visible box is checked.

Also, if you're building your report in iReport or Jaspersoft Studio, you'll need to check each parameter and see if the "Is for Prompting" box is checked.

Hope this helps!


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Did everything you mentioned. When I run the report in iReport it allows me to input parameter manually. The input control for that parameter in jasper server doesn't query the db or just doesn't display the values.

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In regards to your comment, and further troubleshooting:

For this input control, based on a query, you'll have to edit it and proceed to the "Set Parameter Values" page, where it instructs you to identify the value column corresponding to the parameter AND what is visible.

For example, if your input control query is something like:

"select distinct city from table


then on the "Set Parameter Values" page, you have to type city under the value column, AND add it to the visible columns list.

Good luck,


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