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invalid jrxml


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Im just starting to try everything out and its real nice, other than I cant seem to get around the issue of invalid jrxml.

I installed jaspersoft server on a vm virtual box, centOS. I got jasper studio running on my local windows 8 machine. Made a jdbc link with a jts driver to my data source.I  have a data source on the server that I point to.

I can run the plsql query i have just fine(enough for it to get the fields). Im trying to get this figured out before i continue on with input parameters, but i dont have my dropbox working yet so i enter parameters by hand. Im not sure the data, but just putting in random entrys into the prompts gets me a report with no data.


But the moment i try to publish that i get an invalid JRXML. Is there something i need to get going in jasper studio first before i deploy? 

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As the error says, your report .JRXML is invalid.

The problem arises when you try to find the cause - I recently saw this associated with a duplicate parameter in a sub-report - but there can be any number of reasons.

Just a suspicion - but I don't think the latest jasper studio (5.5.2) is as good at highlighting the problem as the previous (5.5.1) version or the beta 5.6 versions.


You could try posting your .jrxml - but there is no guarantee anyone will be able to spot the error!!

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  • 2 months later...

Two things:

#1. I suspect you might need to add  psql jar support in jasperserver.  See http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/no-query-executer-factory-registered-plsql-language-jasperserver-51

#2. If you want more granular details about why your report is not publishing, go take a look at the jasperserver logs (catalina.out or jasperserver.log)

As the previous commenter noted, JasperStudio 5.6 doesnt really give you helpful info for debugging report issues.

hope this helps,


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  • 1 year later...

Em Portugues

No JasperSoft Studio até a Versão 6.2.0, a publicação dos relatórios que acessam as bases de dados DataSources como Oracle, por exemplo, se houver linguagem PLSQL, na hora da publicação, trocar para SQL e publicar, então, o erro não aparecerá mais.

In English

In Jaspersoft Studio to version 6.2.0, the publication of reports that access the DataSources databases such as Oracle, for example, if PLSQL language at the time of publication, switch to SQL and publish, then the error will not appear .


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