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How JasperSoft can be used with AWS for monitoring/Reporting purpose.


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Jaspersoft for AWS is a full featured Jaspersoft Server Professional Edition in the cloud starting at under $1 an hour. With it, you will get access to our reporting, dashboarding and data exploration tools.

As we can connect to a wide range of databases including big data data stores such as Hive and MongoDB, you will be able to create reports and dashboards to track, explore and monitor your data.

If you have a more specific question, please let me know.

Thank you,


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Thanks a lot Assaf.

I have gone through the documentation of JasperSoft suite. It is amazing.

What I am specifically looking at is from Reporting perspective like:

Can I get:

--Cloud volume metrics and the list of your business applications.

--Categories – tabular reports providing basic filterable data on applications, clusters, servers, services, and agents.

--Entities – detail report for a single configuration entity (application, cluster, server, server group, service, web site).

--Placement – reports designed for aiding placement of in capacity suites, placement of applications, web proxies and servers.

--Metrics – Business Unit wise application volume, growth trends.

--Tools for automated provisioning.

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The best way to answer your question is this. If you have the above data, stored in any of the many relational databases or big data stores like MongoDB, Hadoop Hive or Amazon Redshift, we can connect to it and report against it.


In this context, Amazon offers specific monitoring tools for their AWS echo system with their CloudWatch product. If what you are looking for is specifically monitoring your AWS servers, that will be the best tool to use. However, if you want to have a deeper analysis of historical trends of your servers and tie it to your application data, you can then pull the data from Amazon, store it, and use Jaspersoft to report against it.




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