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Limitations of jasperReports Community edition from enterprise edition


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We need to compare the jasperReports Community edition with Enterprise editoin regarding below aspects:

1. Limitation of Community edition for Grid Reports, Aggregation, Sorting of data, Charts, Drill through operations.


2. Whether it is possible to design reports in Community edition using Charts Pro, HTML 5 Pro and Maps Pro

3.  Performance of the reports whend data is large (e.g. 1M-10M records or may be more)

4. Can dashboards be designed in Community edition?

Kindly keep us posted on this query.


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1) Grid Reports, Aggregation, Sorting of data, Charts, Drill through operation

I don't talk about Grid Report as I didn't worked out and checked out .

Aggregations - Possible with Table Component, Cross tab component, sorting is possible through queries in iReport,Drill down is possible in community as well commercial .. Evey point that you mentioned is possible in Professional editons

2)Whether it is possible to design reports in Community edition using Charts Pro, HTML 5 Pro and Maps Pro

No , it is not possible of any Pro in community... Alternative.. you can use charts with customizer classes (for eg : JFree charts) where you need to add more funcitonality using java code

3)Performance of the reports whend data is large (e.g. 1M-10M records or may be more)

If you are morzilla user, use fiebug to check the data access time (Compare the access time on community and professional server).

4)   Can dashboards be designed in Community edition?

No , it is not possible to desing dashboards in community.

Alternative : In case if you do not want to export reports to any file formats(some times).. you can design dashboard like of reports with in the ireport by

increasing the width of the report. Performance wise as you will be using many components it falls down...

Hope this little info may helpful you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Yes, using our plugin we can design dashboards in jaspersoft community version.

We have developed a plugin which can work on top of Jaspersoft, known as "Helical Dashboard Insight" using that we can achieve this functionality.

Please visit - http://helicaltech.com/helical-dashboard-insight-1-0/ for more details

Using this we can
- can have dashboard feature in Jaspersoft community edition
- can create any new input parameter, thus not limited to the ones provided by Jaspersoft
- add new HTML, thus controlling color size text font and entire look and feel
- ability to use bootstap themes
- real time charting possible
- add javascript, hence can make BI visualizations very interactive
- add new resources
- ability to have intra panel communication inside a dashboard
- selectively apply input parameters

- developing plugin (backend or frontend) is very easy by using HTML and Javascripting
- adding new javascripting charts now a cakewalk etc

Get in touch for more details nikhilesh (at) helicaltech (dot) com

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  • 10 months later...

The Drill Down functionality in charts seems to be an impossible task in jaspersoft BI suite . Is there an easy way to create drill down charts in BI suite other than creating in iReport . The Ireport Charts seems to be ugly when you compare with the chart types the Reports Server provides .

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