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Using an Excel Spreadsheet for reference


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I am creating a report that sends delivery details out to our courier, including an email address that then generates an email to the customer.

The functionality is currently switched off at the couriers end but we are looking to turn it on. We are anticipating some feedback that certain customers do not want this service but rather than edit each out individually I was hoping that I could set up a spreadsheet of exclusions which my ireport could reference and therefore not display any that wer ein the spreadsheet.


Is that possible?



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would you pls explain how the report data (including email address) is selected and how (and when) the email is sent?

there might be some way how to set up an additional datasource (your exclusion list) for your report:

new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRCsvDataSource("")

look here for exact constructor details: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/data/JRXlsDataSource.html

or maybe here if a CSV datasource is sufficient: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/data/JRCsvDataSource.html

but for general, I think it would be easier to hold the exclusion information in the database your getting your report data from...

Cheers, Thomas


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Many thanks Thomas. I think the links you have provided there will be most helpful. CSV probably would be sufficient.


I'm using a link to an oracle database behind Red Prairie Dispatcher so it's not a database that I have any control over as it underlays the third party application.


That said there are some redundant tables which might be highjacked for this purpose. It's a solution I'm hoping the users will sign up for but the above was my first thought and one I can now hold in reserve.


Thanks again.

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