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line wrap not printing on pdf


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I have a parameter in a text field


I set the check box for "Stretch with overflow" and the text box does indeed stretch. However, unless the final line ends in a NewLine, it does not print. The space for the line is there as the next element is floating and moves down to create space leaving a big hole. If I add a newline to the string then the final line prints.

anyone have an idea? Is there a setting that is making this line not show up unless it is terminated by a newline?

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What I discovered after a conversation with a jaspersoft engineer is that the iReport and JasperReports is very sensitive to the fonts that you use.

I created my own font with fontographer by starting with a standard font, stripping out all the characters I don't need and creating a new font. Depending on the font settings of the original font, (the bounding box and interrnal size) it may not work properly.

I examined fonts that did work and matched the settings, specifically the UPM square. (Font Information => Demensions) Set to 2048 and recalculate the font line spacing, etc with the "Calc all" button.

After reimporting this newly sized font, this fixed my font issue.

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