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Go to solution Solved by ferdi.maillist,

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I'm having problems with excel exports in Jasper Reports. The output excel files of my reports have unwanted merged cells, depending on the report template I use for each report. I'm displaying report template in first excel sheet, and "Column Header" and "Data" in the second excel sheet. what I'm trying to do is to ignore merged cells in second sheet. I use

property to create second sheet.

I'm not allowed to change the template, so I shoud find a way to ignore merged cells in the second sheet, here is a screenshot of my excel file



as you can see, in the second column there are four merged cells. Any ideas to ignore those unwanted merged cells?


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i had this sort of problem, when cells are starting at different point in the other row. For example Row 1 had two columns with 10 and 30 width and Row 2 had four columns with width of 10 each. both rows are starting at the same point(left and top). Please note, my report did not multiple sheet like in your requirement. Hope it helps
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Thanks for your reply sriharigouru.career, The problem is the template, which I have to use in the report design and as I mentioned before, I'm not allowed to change the template, which causes the merged cells. If I remove the template from my report, I can get a beautiful excel file, which does not have any merged cells. What I'm actually asking is, if there's a way to create a new excel worksheet, which does not have any merged cells.
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  • 1 year later...

I found that expanding the width of the entire report and shifting cells to the right of the area where the merge happens cleaned it up for me. The columns where the merge happened was reduced to 0 in width and empty when I ran the report again. If you don't mind the extra columns being there as they are all but invisible then this solution is confirmed to work. 

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