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ClassCastException with fillManager

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By: syg6 - syg6

ClassCastException with fillManager

2005-05-09 03:33

Hello. I am having troubles when I copy my WAR to Linux. In Windoze everything compiles and executes properly. I have a report with a bunch of sub-reports and all is ok.


But on Linux I get a ClassCastException error when I call fillManager. I don't have remote access to this server, other than for starting and stopping the Tomcat server. So I can't debug. I *could* debug in Windoze but then, everything works fine in Windoze so there is no point.


What could be the problem? Paths? The difference between '/' and '' ? Both machines (Windoze and Linux) have the same versions of Tomcat (5) Java (1.4.2) and PostgreSql (8.0).


Any ideas?








By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

RE: ClassCastException with fillManager

2005-05-09 07:02




What is the exact stack trace for you exception?


Thank you,







By: JuanT - juant

RE: ClassCastException with fillManager

2005-05-09 08:55

We've had 'exactly' the same problem.


It's the awt lib issue. We solved it changing the configuration with a

System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true") on the class...


Hope it could help anyone with this problem...

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