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SQL query returns records but jasper report shows the document has no pages


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I am using a sql query to get the records which works perfectly fine but when I use the same sql query in jrxml file I find tow issues:

a) Some times it prompts me to supply paramters when I delete the previously compiled .jasper files but some times it does not and it keeps on compiling for ever. (I am using jasperserver 4.7, looks like it is a bug).  As a work around on the forum, I found deleting extra jars and killing the process, restarting ireport sometimes fixes the issue. (means prompts the user to provide input parameters)

b) Secondly,  even when it prompts the user to provide parameters, it shows "The document has no pages".  although the same query in query eidtor returns records.

I have configured the data source properly. It does not even show the static content printed in jasper report.


Kundan Sharma



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You have no record at the report because your parameter does not get satisfied according to the condition you might have given in query,and it shows "The document has no page" even if you display static text ,it would not be shown.I think you should compare both queries one you run in sql and other you run in ireport and you can check the output by deleting parameter from the report and then run it. Then you may have better idea where the thing are being done incorrectly.

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