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Make Visible a Subreport's Data


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Hi there. Murray here. I need to create a sort of "hyperlink" such that when a button is clicked below a chart, the data displays below it.  You have a "Show Data" button which when the data displays, toggles to "Hide Data" and vice versa.

Many thanks

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I've done that trick before by adding the data table (using the table component) and leveraging the Print When Expression of Jasper reports.

Create a Parameter (e.g. ParamShowTable) and default that to 0. In the table (or subreport) that prints the data table add a Print When Expression that checks for the parameter (e.g. $P{ParamShowTable} == 0 )

The just create a report execution type Hyperlink that executes the same reportand changes the value of the parameter fro  0 to 1

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Yet again, back to the basics. I have created the parameter and am isolating the test to showing or hiding a subreport. I set the "Initial Value Expression" of this parameter to "0" (in quotes), and "Variable Class" to "java.lang.String". No other properties are changed. In the subreport element within the main report, I set the "Print When Expression" to ($P{ShowClientSummary}.equals(“1”) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE), yet the subreport shows in the preview. What have I done/not done?

I'm most grateful for your time.

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