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Whats up with JasperReport/iReport versions and JDK version?


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So, the latest version of iReports rocks but I'm on a project that runs on JBoss 4 which uses JDK 5.
Not so awesome sauce. 
I couldn't find one stinking page indicating which version of Jasper works with which JDK5
Through much trial and error I discovered 3.5.3 runs on JDK5 and the latest version 4.7.0 does NOT(you will get a 49.0 should be 50.0 runtime error).  Does anyone what know or can point me to which versions of jasperreports runs on which JDK?

My second cause of grief... iReport 4.7.0 rocks and connects great to my companies Oracle instance.  However, with the same exact config I could not get iReports 3.5.3 to connect(wonder if JDK comes into play here as well).  But anyway I found a way to use the latest iReport and point to GeneralCompatibility and set it to the old version.
However, there was some issues with trying to cast Dates and TimeStamps to String that would not allow me to use the latest iReport tool and target it to the older instance so I ripped out some of the casting in the jrxml and was able to get it to work.
Version question again... does anyone know when that Date TimeStamp casting stuff was permitted what version?

Bottom line- I want to use the latest version of jasper I can that runs on JDK5.  Any insight is appreciated!!!



Post Edited by markorocko at 09/11/2012 14:35
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