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Starting jasperserver on tomcat6 fails


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Hi all!

As this is my first post in this forum, first a little introducion: I am a geologist specialized in geoinformatics. I am managing a spatial data infrastructure an like to use jasperserver in this context as a reporting tool. At the moment i am prettry new to jasper and not a really crack in running tomcat. Our database is a postgresql 9.1 running on an opensuse 12.1 server.

What i try to do:

I like running jasperserver on an existing tomcat6. For this i downloaded the war-distribution and installed it according to the documentation with buildomatic. This part worked really good, the database and examples has been created and filled. But when i try to start the application in tomcat6 it doesnt run, because of not finding the postgres-driver. The driver (postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar) is located in /srv/tomcat6/lib which is the original tomcat6-path on opensuse, afair buildomatic put the driver there by itself.

What i have done to solve the Problem:

I had changed the postgresql-driver to newer one(postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc[3|4].jar), because i wasn't sure if the given one is working correct  with 9.1. This had no effect, and it seemed that the original driver is ok, because the created databases seem to be correct (and can be used with iReports).

By reading some information i found that the sun-jre is recommended for jasperserer, because of 'known issues' with openjdk. But opensuse doesnt provide the sun engine anymore in their repositories because of oracle-licence issues. So before i do lots of work to get the sun-jre up and running i'd like to ask, if this can be the issue for not running jasperserver in this context. Other applications (geoserver) are running correct on the same tomcat, The jasperserver.log ist attached to this post.

So, please give me some hints to get this thing done. If you need some more information please tell me, i try to provide them as fast as i can.

Thanks in advance


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Hi Uwe,

that is definitely non-supported configuration but JDBC looks like a minor issue that we could overcome to test a step further.


Make sure you have only single postgres jdbc jar file within your Tomcat installation - including the jasperserver\WEB-INF\lib etc. just search for the file and make sure it's only one version.


You could also check some security configurations for Postgres DB.


Hope you'll find the traitor.

Kind regards,


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Hi Uwe,
that is definitely non-supported configuration but JDBC looks like a minor issue that we could overcome to test a step further.

Make sure you have only single postgres jdbc jar file within your Tomcat installation - including the jasperserverWEB-INFlib etc. just search for the file and make sure it's only one version.

You could also check some security configurations for Postgres DB.

Hope you'll find the traitor.
Kind regards,

There was no postgres jar in jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib, so i copied the one from /srv/tomcat6/lib. An old one resided in the geoserver-application, which i changed to the same one. But no effect on jasperserver.

What do you mean with security configuration? At the momet it runs on a testing db on localhost with no restrictions.

Thank you


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