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Counting (Specific) Group Records Using XML Datasource

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I have a report I am developing in iReport 3.7.1 which uses XML as a datasource.  The XML is structured as follows:




      <Major>Computer Science</Major>





      <Major>Computer Science</Major>









In my Jasper report, I have a QueryString for "/Students/Student" and I am grouping the records on the element "Major".  This works fine, however, I only want to print one particular value(static label) in my Group Header if at least one record exists in the Group with Grade="Graduate". 

Is anyone aware of a way I can accomplish this?  I was wondering if there was any way to use a Variable with a reset type of Group to do it, but can't seem to find a solution that works.

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I have one update to my original post.  I am able to add a Field (GraduateStudentCount) to the report with a description of "count(Grade[text()=Graduate])" which renders a count of the number of records with Grade=Graduate.  This will be either 1 or 0 depending upon whether the Grade is set to Graduate.  I can then a variable with the following attributes:

Variable Class: java.lang.Integer

Calculation: SUM

Reset Type: Group

Reset Group: <my group name>

Variable Expression: $F{GraduateStudentCount}

Initial Value Expression: new Integer(0)


If I add this variable to the header band of my group and then set the Eval Time to GROUP, it correctly renders the number of Students in the Group with Grade=Graduate.  However, I need to use this value in an expression.  If I try to use the Variable directly, it is always 0.  Is there a way to set the Variable's eval time to Group?

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