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Date parameter not getting picked properly


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I have created a report which take From Date as an input Control Value.While declaring the dataType for this field gave the type as "Date".In my jrxml I have created a parameter $P{FromDate} as follows

<parameter name="FromDate" class="java.util.Date"/>

This field is not a mandatory field and can be left blank.If the user enters some value,based on that Date value I need to filter out my data and show in the report.So I am creating a conditional query statement to be added to my basic query.

My problem is I am not able to check for the condition in the query whether $P{FromDate} is null or empty or have a value and form my query.Please help.This is urgent.


Thanks In Advance


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 First of all in your query you would need to be using 


The exclamation is required for the query. I think there are a lot of ways to accomplish what you are trying to do but here is one idea.

Make the default value of FromDate be a known date in the future that would not be reported against like "'2199/01/01'", then check in your query if from date is equal to that date, something like this in sql server,

If $P!{FromDate} = '2199/01/01'


SELECT blah,blah,blah FROM blahContainer




SELECT etc,etc,etc FROM etcContainer WHERE dataDate BETWEEN $P!{FromDate} AND $P!{toDate}


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Thanks for the reply.

In my case i am trying to add an extra condition to where clause of a query based on whether my date field is empty or not.

So my conditional query is formed like this:-

<parameter name="FromDate_SQL" class="java.lang.String">

<defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[$P{FromDate}==null?"and s.time_slot >= to_date('2012-06-30','YYYY-MM-DD')" : "and s.time_slot >= to_date('2012-07-02','YYYY-MM-DD')"]]></defaultValueExpression>


Later in my actual query am doing the following :


<![CDATA[select * from detailTable where detailId =1 $P!{FromDate_SQL}]]>


My problem out here is for checking whether the $P{FromDate} has some value entered or not or checking if there is a default value.In the conditional query that I am creating,I am always getting the value of $P{FromDate} as null.

Please help.




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 I get what you mean, but would it work if you assigned the parameter $P{FromDate} a default value of an empty string "" and then you know what to expect when it has not been populated or selected. 

($P{FromDate}.equals("")) ? "This" : "That"

This way you don't need to worry about the default state of the object, you know it will either be an empty string or a date. So long as the paramters that refer to it are defined after it. The sequence/order of parameters and variables in the definition is important. 

Hope this is helping.


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