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iReport wont start on Windows 7


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 It could be a couple of things:

- not enough memory for iReport - you can configure how much memory the JVM for it uses by editing the ireport.conf file, which you can find under the etc directory. Edit the default_options parameter, and modify the -Xms and -Xmx values to something higher, like 1024m. The MaxPermSize could be lower too, maybe just 128m.

- Windows 7 - I also have a Windows 7 machine, it's 64-bit. I used to have problems with iReport too, until I changed the JDK. If your system is also 64-bit, I would suggest downloading JDK 1.7 (there's a specific 64-bit version), and modify the jdkhome variable in ireport.conf to point at JDK 1.7.

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The person who added "-J" before all default options in ireport.conf should win a medal. The application just didn't want to open at all (no action and no error). Finally after almost 2h of fighting with different JVM settings managed to run iReports just by removing all "-J" from this file. Thanks...
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