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jasperserver mysql


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im a new to jaspersoft, particulary jasperserver and mysql.

and i want to set my environment (windows xp sp3) for reporting and dashboards using jasperserver and mysql.

but i dont know how to start? which prerequisites before installation?


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JasperReports Server will run on your Windows SP3 machine, so if you start by running the installer, it will install the other components it needs (Java 1.6, MySQL on the Community edition or Postgres on the commercial edition, Tomcat 6). Make sure to install the sample data (which will let you see finished reports) and iReport as well.

You mentioned doing dashboards, which is functionality that's only available in the commercial edition, so take a look at that one too.

Once you've set up your server environment, you can start experimenting with it. We have articles in the Jasperforge site about how to get started.

There's also some handy videos that give you an overview of what JasperReports Server can do:

http://jasperforge.org/website/jasperserverwebsite/JSJA%20Website/jasperserver_getting_started.html?header=project&target=jasperserver - gives overview of what you can do

http://www.youtube.com/user/JaspersoftBISuite - our YouTube channel

 - A video on creating a report with iReport


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I am im the process of evaluating Jasperserver with our installed MySQL.  I am currently able create and run ireports that link to MySQL and the reports look great!  Gets the data and the connection to MySQL is fine.  When I put the Report in the Repository.  I then go to the Jasperserver and login as jasperadmin and try to run the report and get an an error message: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.  I have setup the DData Source just like the one in iREPORTS.  I have also choosen the option to use the datasource from the iReport when I moved it to the repositiory.  After reading through many Forum Treads, I am thinking I might have installed JasperServer wrong or missing something for the connection.   Help please.



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Hi, there could be a few things going on here, so let's do it step-by-step. The first thing I would suggest is to create a datasource straight in the server itself, and then test the connection. If it passes, then you know that there's nothing wrong with the connection from the server to the database.

If the datasource you create works, then at that point try changing the datasource for that report to the one you just saved in the repository.

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I created one and log into jasperserver(using jasperadmin) to test connection. The connection failed. Type: JDBC Data Source, Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, URL:jdbc:mysql://localhost/stat_development . stat_development is the name of the database. And MySQL in on my laptop.



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Your driver class is right, and so is the JDBC URL (the one with the : character -  jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/stat_development) . The next thing I would check is whether or not you have the MySQL driver deployed in the right place. If you're using Tomcat, check the [TOMCAT_HOME]/lib directory, there should be a file called mysql-connector.jar (something like that, it might also contain a version number in the filename).

If it's not there, download the thin driver JAR file that works with your version of MySQL, and copy that JAR file to [TOMCAT_HOME]/lib. Then re-start the server, and test again.

If you've done this already, then I would suggest looking at the log file and seeing if there's a clue in there. The log file is in /jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log



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I do not have a any connector in Appache-TomCat/Lib folder. I just downloaded the J connector called "mysql-connector-java-5.1.21-bin.jar". Should I change the name to a specific name so Tomcat can find it? Or just move it to "C:/program files/jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0/apache-tomcat/lib" ?
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You can place the driver either to apache-tomcat/lib or to apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib. Don't rename anything. Restart Tomcat.

Previously you mentioned that you actually made Jasperserver installation with the MySQL repository, that would mean that you should have connection to repository as datasource (find it?), and all the drivers files were supposed to be there for the installation DB. However it sounds like you have a different DB for repository. Could you please confirm on that?

Post Edited by oesina at 08/01/2012 02:08
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