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Jasper server issues related to subreports


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I have a couple of issues and was interested in community workrounds.


1. I have3 reprorts each in their own container with related sub reports ,that allows them to be called as base reports, that is to say if I call "fish", then I get a report on FISH.

Lets say:



Now if I want a master report  called BASE, that calls each of the reports and builds a concatinated report.

(yes I know I can use "subreports") BUT there are two issues

1. Since each report is in its own report container, it appears you CANNOT call them externally from another report if they have subreports, becasue the Jasper Server is not additive on its paths, it can ONLY directly access the  first page of the reports, then after that crashes with XXXXXX file not found. (because if you call FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS, from BASE, JS finds the first base report of each one, but has no knowlage of the path of the subreports making up FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS)

Or do i have to code a bean that concatinates the subdirectories of each report?


2. since BASE is the initial report with its own footers & headers, when it calls FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS, the content of FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS are "reduced" and inserted into BASE, so that the headers and footers in FISH,MEAT,CANNED GOODS appear inside the FOOTERs of BASE, is there not a simple way to just concatanate reports?

or do i have to code a bean?




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