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Eliminate page break after subreport


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 OK, going a little crazy here - I've tried everything I can think of, and I just can't get rid of the page break I'm getting after a subreport. Here's the setup:

The subreport in question has zero margins and only two bands - column header and detail. I've set the subreport to have four columns, and I'm doing a little intelligent column breaking to approximate equal-length columns (using a column break element and a print when expression that evaluates a group COUNT variable). The subreport works great.

Embedded in my master report, however, things go wonky: no combination of settings will allow the subreport to render without getting split apart...except for "Run to bottom"* - if I set "Run to bottom", then the subreport renders perfectly. However, regardless of whether or not the subreport renders properly, I always get a page break after it.

As I mentioned, I'm pretty sure I've tried all permutations of settings - element dimensions in both report and subreport, the "Ignore pagination" property, creation of new bands (detail, group) for the purpose of isolating the subreport and other elements, combining all elements on one band. No luck.

For what it's worth, the query for the master report returns just one row every time. I guess I could change the orientation around:

1) make the master report the one that returns multiple records; set as a four-column report
2) use a subreport or list (and related dataset object) to render the single record current rendered on my master report

Might work; I may have some issues with parameter passing.

Anyway, if anyone has some clues, I would love to hear them.

Thank you. -Ben

* side note: there is NO documentation about this property that I can find...anywwhere. What's up with that?

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Not sure if this will help, but I had problems with subreports rendering in a main report and this helped.

In the main report, uncheck "Print when data overflows" for the subreport.  

Also, is it at the beginning or end of a group section?  Check to see if you have the group (or the next group) start on a new page.

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 Thanks for the swift reply, mfirkser. I've already got "Print When Detail Overflows" unchecked, so I'm afraid that's not it. And I've also reviewed all the "start a new page"-type settings - no joy.

I'm about 80% done reworking my report orientation as I suggested below; as I expected, having some trouble with how I'm passing parameters between master & subreports. Anyway, I expect to have resolved that today, and hopefully that will work around this problem.

Still - if anyone has some clues on solving the original problem, that'd be great!

Thanks again. -Ben

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