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Grand Total and page break


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I have created a report with a title, column header, group header, group footer, detail, page footer and summary bands. Group header displays data grouped on month with the group footer containing totals for that group. I have put the Grand Total stuff on the summary band followed by a page break and a bar chart. The summary band is set to Maximize Band Height.

When I preview the report the grand total stuff goes into a new page, then a page break with the chart stuff in a new page. Basically, I would like the grand total just after the last group total so that the chart always display in a new page.

I have attached my sample report for you guys to have a look.

Is there any trick which allows the grand total just after the last group footer. Any help is highly appreciated.

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First, let me compliment you on your design. Very clean and nice to look at.

I would suggest creating a new Group over the first that is based on a static value shared by all the data. That way it will pass through this group once but through the next Group that you already have defined every time you would expect. The Header does not need a band. The Group footer would contain your Grand Total information. Use the Keep Together option on the Group.

I can't guarantee that will work but I have found in some of my reports that if you use Keep Together on the higher Group it applies to everything within the Group including (sub)Groups.

Good luck!

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