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Multiple report items


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I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. It's been really difficult for me to figure out how to use JasperReports.

Essentially, I have about 5 different java.util.List instances which each describe different data types and I'd simply like to create a table for each. However, it seems that Jasper Reports is more for just operating around a single list of data, and this is just a little frustrating and confusing. 

I'm looking to create something like this:


My Java objects look somewhat like this

public class Thing {    private int id;    private String name;    private int rating;    ...    public int getId();    public String getName();    public int getRating();}[/code]

It's pretty simple, really. I'm just looking to have a "section header" with the title of each section, followed by a table of the data which can expand with more data.

Is this possible to do in Jasper Reports?

Post Edited by rfkrocktk at 03/13/2012 23:19

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I rfkrocktk,

This is not that difficult. I don't know if there is any other easier way for doing that but I had an issue similar to yours and what I did is to create one report for each list and then create a main report with subreports. In  your case, you should create 1 main report with 5 subreports in the detail band (one subreport for each list).

Hope this helps.


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