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How can I control the detail size?


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 hello people,

I'm trying to perform a report in which the first page has a header and a footer, between them there is a detail where I would like to print just one iteration. In the next pages I will print more iterations. My problem is that each iteration can have different lists so the detail band can be very high, when it happens in hte first page the information split in two pages. I would like to prevent that, if the detail band is to high to be in hte first page I want to print it in the second page, printing in the first page just the header and the footer.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!

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It seems no one has an idea how to resolve it. I have been trying to insert a "page break" on the top of the detail band and set the property "print when detail overflow" but the problem now is that "the page break" is always inserted, even if the detail doesn't overflow (there is enough space to insert all the information). 

If someone has an idea how to resolve my problem I would appreciate a lot her/his help!

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the first option I tried, but the problem is that I don't know why when I select prevent it changes to stretch and I can't select prevent. The second option I can't understand well how to do that, could you explain me?

Thanks a lot!!!

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I tend to use group bands more often than the detail band just because there are a lot more options to work with doing so. I'm sure you know how to create a group band. The idea is that you take all the fields from your detail band and place them on the group band instead.

The caveat is that the group holding the detail needs to have the Group Expression set to the lowest item being ordered by in the query. If, for instance, you use a Date group to put your detail on but there are multiple deliveries on each date only the first one would show up for each date. If you used the Delivery group to put your detail on but there are multiple delivery codes for each delivery, again, only the first will appear for each Delivery. You have to make sure that your group is based on the data that is unique.

After that, using the "Keep Together" property should keep all the data displayed on that group band together. If it goes past the page mark it should take that section and move all of it to the next page.

Good luck!

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Ok it worked. But there is still a problem, the item when is to big jump to the next page but if I introduce a second item, instead of adding it in the same page than the first item (the 2nd page of the report) it is added in a 3rd page. If I introduce more items (4, 5...) they work fine, they are added inmediatly under the second item, without changing page.

More curious things, I have introduce a heather page that should be printed if the page is not the first one. But when the first item jump to the second page the heather is not printed. When I add more items the heathere is printed in the consecutive pages.

Thanks a lot for your answere!!!

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