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Charts Pro: preview goes back to designer without any message


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Hi, I'm new on the forum so my apologies if I did not include some required documentation to explain the issue.

I've got a problem with the Charts Pro element in iReport 4.0.1. The chart is based on a very simple query with person and a total. I follow the instructions as per the chapter 5 of the tutorials (jasperforge.org/website/ireportwebsite/IR Website/tutorials/podcast_5/podcast_5.html?header=project&target=ireport) and midway after setting the first bits up the video does a preview. When I click on my preview then the program starts thinking but simply returns to the Designer without giving an error or saying that the page is empty.
I see this behavior often in iReports (the preview goes back to designer without any message) and most of the time it is related that I made a mistake in a variable type. For example that it requires a string but I put an integer in or something.
Only this time it is strange as I follow exactly what the video is saying. When I create a basic chart, then I get results. Also when I run it without charts and just show the data then the preview is working.

Using the 'Column' chart I put the following data in the screens:
- Chart configuration.Caption: Noise Levels (no quotes around them)
- Chart Data.Dataset Items: one entry with values: Series Expression: "", Category Expression: $F{ASSEMBLY_ENGINEER} and Value Expression: $F{TOTAL}
Rest of it left all on default. The fields in the expressions are chosen within the editor but the colour is red, which is a bit weird.

So, do I need to enter more data somewhere? Or is there any way how I can see the error?


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