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Compilation fail on warning


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 I am trying to compile a template and it fails with warning: 

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationException: Report design not valid : 
     1. Warning : Element bottom reaches outside band area : y=85 height=126 band-height=192

Why it fails on warning? It should compile that template, no?

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The error says clearly what is happening in this case.

You have an element in a band. The height of the element is 126, and the starting point is in the position y=85. So the end point of your element will be 211 (126+85). The height of your band is smaller so what is happening is that your element is outside the band.

You have two options:

1) Change the initial position to be "y" smaller than 107

2) Modify the height of the band to be bigger than 211

If you don't understand it, just attach your jrxml file and I'll help you.


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When you try to preview the report from iReport the message shows it as warning, but it is an error. When you compile the report (previewing it from iReport compiles the .jrxml file), if everything goes ok and without errors should create a .jasper file but as you can see this file is not created so basically is an error and not a warning. Maybe the message could be clearer, showing it as an error and not as a warning.

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