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remove line when blank doesn\'t work when flexible.row.height is set to true


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In my report, I'v set the property net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.flexible.row.height = true. Now, when I save my report as .docx I can edit the text that is exported as a table in Ms Word. When I add a line to a table, the other fields are pushed down. Great! But unfortunately there is a problem. Fields that are blank, are not removed from my report. So I've a lot of white space in my report.

When I set net.sf.jasperreports.export.docx.flexible.row.height = false. The blank lines are removed (just as the property is set, remove line when blank). But now, the data in my report isn't very easy to edit, because the cell in Ms Word, doesn't grow when text is added.

How can I keep the table property as I've now and have my blank fields removed from the report, so there isn't so much white space?


Please help...

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