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subreport different data source


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Hi I am trying to create a report that contains a subreport with a different data source.  I am struggling in achieving this.


In my master report I have created a parameter called

SubDataSource with a parameter class of java.sql.Connection

Default value expression of net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://","sa","area51")


when I work throught subreport wizard, I select use another connection for the datasource and populate it with the SubDataParameter

the report fails to preview and I have attached the log.


what am I doing wrong???


I have a datasource called DW and the value expression is copied from there.


Is it possible to display the value of REPORT_CONNECTION, I could then display what the correct format for this value should be.





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I have changed the value expression to java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://","sa","area51")


But I am been told, Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://


how can I have no suitable driver when I only connect to a sql db and use this driver.

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I think you have to add the driver to the iReport. At least this is what I did the first time I worked with a sql connection.

First of all download the correct sqljdb.jar and then follow this steps:

In iReport, go to Tools->Options

In the CLASSPATH tab, select "Add JAR" and add the file you have previously downloaded.

Hope this helps.


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I have added the jar file to the classpath.  I have a few enteries for the jtds jar file, as after much reading in the forum.  It seems that this problem is encountered often.

I found a few enteries regarding the JAR file needing to be in certain folders so I created the folders or copied the files straight to the folder and created an entry in the class path?


Some people seem to have this working and some people really seem to struggle.  will the same file referenced in different folders in the classpath cause a problem?


I find the missing driver error very strange since I have only ever used this driver and have lots of reports all working.

feel I am very close to solving this but at the same time feel it feels along way to go.



Jase milly


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