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These steps describe how to hide the Create > Domain menu for users who are not assigned the role of ROLE_DEVELOPER. If you want to define ROLE_DEVELOPER at the organization level instead of the root level, you have to use a slightly different syntax in the XML file. (see below)

  1. Log in as Superuser.
  2. Create the role, ROLE_DEVELOPER at the root level.
  3. Create a user, for example userdeveloper.
  4. Give the userdeveloper the ROLE_DEVELOPER.
  5. Give the administrator user and any other user who should be able to create Domains the ROLE_DEVELOPER.

    Only users having ROLE_DEVELOPER will be able to create Domains. For example, you probably want jasperadmin or another administrative user to be able to create Domains.
  1. If you're using Tomcat, open <tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/actionModel-navigation.xml. If you're using another application server, find actionModel-navigation.xml and open it.
  2. Change the following condition testArgs value in the main_create_mutton from "ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR" to "ROLE_DEVELOPER".  See code snippet below.
  3. Restart Tomcat

Post Edited by khahn at 12/13/2011 22:26
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 It works! I created ROLE_DEVELOPER at superuser level, and tried to assign it to a new user inside organization_1.

The second option, create ROLE_DEVELOPER at organization's level, doesn't work but this solution suits me just fine (I have the Pro version, so no multitenancy for me ;))

Thank you!

Best regards,


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