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Importing images


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I'm importing some reports originally defined on another JasperServer system. It seems completely crazy that the exported jrxml files don't include all dependencies, like input controls, but I can at least work around that by viewing the jrxml source, checking the input names and types and creating them manually.

Something I'm stuck on is images. The reports refer to logos using a pattern like: 'repo:/images/imageid'. So, I've created a folder in the root of my repo called 'images', but I can't see any way of uploading a file into that location. The 'file' option is just missing from the resources menu. I can see that there are image files in the themes folder, so it must be possible somehow.

I could live with broken or missing images, but it causes the reports to crash if it can't find them!

I also tried attaching images to the individual reports as resoruces (which does allow me to import images), but it clearly doesn't match up with the resource identifiers (I made sure I used teh same names) used in the report, so it still crashes.

How is this supposed to work?

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Sorry you're having problems and for the delay in answering.  You shouldn't have to manually import anything--images, input controls, or any other resources. The engineer is working on a release right now, but please give me a little information, so I'll can ask for a recommendation about how you should proceed.

1. Did you install using the WAR file distribution? If so, see the attached chapter from the install guide and check your import-export utilities. Check your js.jdbc.properties as explained in the chapter if you used the WAR file distribution.

2. Which operating system, database, and application server are you using?

3. What version of JasperServer were you using before installing 4.2?

To answer your question about what happened to the File menu, it's here: click View > Repository. Right-click a folder and select Add Resource>File>Image. You have to right-click a folder where you have write permission. If you installed sample reports, try Reports.

Post Edited by khahn at 11/30/2011 00:47

Post Edited by khahn at 11/30/2011 00:52
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1) No, I installed it with the binary installer

2) Ubuntu Lucid 10.04, Jasper using bundled postgres and tomcat, connecting to MySQL 5.5.

3) None. 4.2.1 was my first install of Jasper. When I said 'The original server', that was a server belonging to another company that I don't have access to. They exported jrxml files and gave me the image files to go with them. The jrxml files do not include definitions for input controls, datatypes or images for a report, so they are not a complete packaging of reports and their dependencies need to be recreated manually, which isn't very impressive.

I know where the file resource menu is supposed to be, it's just not there. I have write permission (I'm an admin) and I can create all other resource types. I attached a screen shot of what I see to my original post - inline image insertion on this forum's editor is broken.

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 I think your repository is messed up from importing the old repository that needed to be upgraded first. The upgrade chapters of the install guide talk about this. The menu problem is probably caused by the incompatible repository you imported. Do you know which version of JasperServer the files came from? The procedure you need to follow depends on the version.


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Sorry for the inconvenience the missing File menu has caused you.  We're looking into fixing this asap. In the meantime, there's a workaround. Delete the condition on line 21 and the close condition on line 25. See below.

Regarding the exported files you have, any chance you can get the party who gave it to you to run the export command again with the options to export everything you need?

1. Open <js-install>\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\actionModel-search.xml.2. Delete line 21: <condition test="isProVersion"> 3. Delete line 25: </condition>Restart Tomcat.
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Hi Mwarne,

In case you aren't monitoring the thread with synchro, I wanted to tell you about a workaround that will fix the missing File menu problem in your installation. Sorry you had this problem. We are fixing it. Thanks for your patience.


1. open <js-install>\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\actionModel-search.xml.2. delete line 21 <condition test="isProVersion"> 3. delete line 25 </condition>   Line 21 is the line after clientTest= . . .4. restart tomcat
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