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Problem with replacing report in Ireport. SAXException: Bad Envelope tag


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Hello guys,


I'm using iReport Designer Pro 4.2.1. And when i try to replace a report with a new version (with the jasperserver plugin) it says: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad envelope tag: html.

I attached the complete stack trace from jasperserver.

Any ideas on how to fix this ?



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I am also having the same issue.

Creating report using iReports 4.5.1 and saving to Jasper Server repository (version 4.0.0).

I believe this to be an iReports problem because I can open/edit the jrxml file on another PC using iReport 3.7, save the file and upload the new edited jrxml file to the Jasper Server using the web interface and it works correctly.

I have tried to uninstall/reinstall iReports 4.5.1 and I am still getting the SAXException when I try and replace the file in the repository using iReports.

Does anyone have a idea to point us in the direction of a fix ?

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I have the same problem as described. I already did the steps to solve the problem like mbarrett did. But without success.

Fortunately we have other computers with older iReport versions installed, which are still working.

This problem is really urgent, but nobody from Jasper seems to have in mind to answer to this topic. :-(


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Hi Guys,

I got response from Jasper through their support system:


From a previous report is this problem, it seems your issue is due to a defect that we have fxed in our latest JasperReports Server (4.5).  JasperReports Server 4.2 has a servlet filter (UploadMultipartFilter) in web.xml that consumes multipart requests, which disrupts Axis (the web service library that is used by iReports). This causes the error. So to fix this you can either upgrade to our 4.5 release or do the following modifications to your configuration files: Located in <jasperserver[-pro] root>/WEB-INF/web.xml and comment out the following lines: <!-- <filter> <filter-name>multiPartHelperFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.common.UploadMultipartFilter</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>multiPartHelperFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> --> (so adding the "<!--" and "-->" before and after the Filter and filter-mapping tags) And then edit WEB-INF/applicationContext-security-web.xml by adding the filter to the chain that maps /** ... /**=httpSessionContextIntegrationFilter,uploadMultipartFilter,${bean.loggingFilter},${bean.userPreferencesFilter},${bean.authenticationProcessingFilter},${bean.userPreferencesFilter},${bean.basicProcessingFilter},requestParameterAuthenticationFilter,JIAuthenticationSynchronizer,anonymousProcessingFilter,exceptionTranslationFilter,filterInvocationInterceptor,switchUserProcessingFilter,iPadSupportFilter... <bean id="uploadMultipartFilter" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.common.UploadMultipartFilter"/> (so you just need to add "uploadMultipartFilter" at the second position of the filter chains for URI /** (normally the last one in the bean filterChainProxy) and to reference that new filter by adding the bean with id uploadMultipartFilter below the bean filterChainProxy. Once you upgrade the server to 4.5 or higher, then you'll be able to upgrade iReport above 4.2.1.


Hope this helps you too.


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I have been getting the same error since upgrading to iReport 4.5.1.  I made the changes you suggested to both of the XML files and restarted the TomCast service.  Now when I try to browse the repository from iReport, I get a dialog reading: "Error(404) Not Found." Additionally, I can't view the web portal in a browser.  The TomCat service does start, however.

When I revert the changes and restart TomCat, the web server works well except for the fact that I can't replace a report in iReport.  I'm positive I made the changes exactly as specified.  See below snippets.


EDIT:  The bit about adding the line <bean> line to the latter file was definitely not showing up on the previous post earlier.  I refreshed the page and saw it.  Added that into the latter file, restarted TomCat, and all is working well now.

Thank you!

Post Edited by nphowe at 03/19/2012 16:12
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