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HQL and Table / How to print Detail Section Once

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Hello everybody,

I have a short question. Probably an easy one for the most of you. I have been using the "Table" object but only with SQL. As far as I understand for a "Table" I have to create a DataSet. So what I did for the Detail Section to print once I set the statement "select 1 from dual" as the master report query. To the table I gave $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE} as the connection expression.

Now I dont really understand how to do it with Hibernate as I cannot select 1 from dual. How do I get the Detail section to print exactly once. Maybe I have missunderstood the complete concept of the Tables.

Maybe someone could help. Thanks


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Lets say I have this HQL: "from Test". This statement return 3 Object.


What I tried is to put this statement as the report query as well as to the query text for the table dataset. Now I do not understand that that the table is not shown three times but the table is shown once BUT the first row is missing.


Can somebody please adivse. Thanks

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I am starting to understand that JasperReport makes a difference when filling for example report using a connection and when using HQL.

when filling a report using an sql connection jasperreports behave just as I expect it to. If I fill in a report query that provides 3 rows, a table dataset that returns 5 rows then the detail section with the table will be printed 3 times and everytime with a 5 row table.

If I repeat that using HQL it behaves differently. Actually I am thinking that how hibernate reports the table dataset is not evaluated but only the report query. So If I enter a report query "from Test" that returns 3 rows and the same statement in the table dataset then I only have 1 detail section with one table having 2 rows.

Could someone please comment on how I print a table using an HQL statement without missing the first row?

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