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MOVED:Sharing reports between users


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I apologize if this is not the place to ask this question but an answer would certainly be appreciated and I have been reduced to grasping at straws.

My organization is using software called ivos which does liability claims management and the package uses jasper reports as it's reporting tool.

In the setup under ivos, each user has a reports directory available only to them and to anyone with system administration privileges.  My problem is that I need to develop a set of vetted reports that would be available to essentially all users, but without making them all sys admins.  Creating reports isn't a problem but sharing them is. I tried creating a generic user with a login everyone has access to, but no one can copy reports to anyone else unless thay have sys admin status so they can't copy their reports to this 'repository'.

The only thing I can think of to do is ask users to contact a sys admin when they have a candidate for a common report, then the sys admin will copy it to 'generic' user where it will be examined for correctness and made available when vetted.

Since this is cumbersome I thought I would ask if anyone else has a method for keeping a common report repository, perhaps with additional software?

Thanks in advance for any help.  -Fred

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