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Enabling and disabling Images Based on "data present" or not


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Okay so here is the problem. I have a report that tracks shipment with three options. The following below needs to be options that will show an image (which is a checkbox) :


Freight Terms:

Prepaid: (no data)

Collect: (no data)

3rd Party: (this needs to be check marked with an image since the product is third party)


Please use the image as a reference! Thank you so much. And please be specific as possible. Should it be a boolean value? etc. and what field to put it in. I assume its a conditional statement, I jsut dont know how to make a picture "VISABLE" or enabled.


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Place the check mark image where you want it to be displayed, then set the printWhenExpression appropriately:

eg. ( $F{Method}.compareTo("Third Party")==0 )

If you aren't positive about whether the case will always be the same then force the strings on both sides of the comparison to either upper or lower case.

If you can't be sure that source string won't contain leading or trailing whitespace then use the .trim() function to be absolutley sure.

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Sill need help because!

The report still compiles when I added that print when expression, but it does not show the image, I also added a lable with that property and that is not displaying either.

BTW: If I add any new labels they compile so I know there appears to be nothing wrong with the report except that the boolean expression is just not working.

Maybe I can help you with some more details. See below:

Attachment 1: Shows the image I want to print when 3rd party function is true, Print when Expression is used with $F{BillTo}.compareTo("Third Party") == 0
do you see the red squiggly... wonder what it means lol

Attachment 2: Function BillTo --> look at the X image (which doesn't show on attachment 4) but then notice 3rd Party: --> $F function that goes to BillTo, that shows as true! lol
is this a logic error it appears to be :/

Attachment 3: XML page I am grabing from, or just look at link below to see full xml

Attachment 4: Report being run [iReport output]

Attachment 5 see link!: IDE Log showing missing reference errors, not sure what that is, but i doubt it is relevant

Thank you! I have put a lot of work into it, and I am working on other forms. But this is really bugging me! Hope the extra material helps and is not annoying.


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Your printWhenExpression is still incorrect.  Remember that it is a snippet of embedded Java, so you have to be very explicit about what you are doing.  If there's one thing Java excels at it's semantics.

new java.lang.Boolean( $F{Method}.compareTo("Third Party")==0 )


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