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Ireport stuck on the task bar


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I was runnig a repot in Ireport that was taking an age to run.  I ended task on it and started it up again.  Now the program starts but minimises back to the task bar it has been like this for 20 minute?


Is there some check point flag that needs resetting very puzzled.




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I've just run into a similar problem with iReport 4.0.2. I closed it last evening, just a normal close when I was shutting down. I've moved offices and to another docking station. Today when I open iReport it minimizes to the task bar and will not maximize. The only option on the icon with a right click is to close the window. Any ideas or should I reinstall?


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My problem was fairly simple to resolve. For some reason I have my dual monitors on opposite sides on the two different docking stations. Once I switched monitors from one side to the other iReport was displayed and works find after I moved it back to the other montor.

It would be nice if iReoprt handled the dual monitors a little better. Most of the software I use if there is only one monitor it shows on that monitor and when I switch to dual monitors it shows up on the primary monitor. Other software if you are using dual monitors will give you an option in the task bar when you right click to move it or go full screen which resolves some issues without changing configurations.


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