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For preprinted form how to fix a textfield absolute position x,y?


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Hi, i have a set of existing preprinted forms that are suppose to be fill up manually. As we are automating the process of manual entry, all these data keying are done online and then do a overlay of the keyed data to the preprinted forms.

Does jasper report support preprinted form requirements? e.g. would be like configuring the textfield element display to be on a absolute x,y position, and i dont find this feature in JasperReport.

Anyone can advice or such feature exist or how do i go about doing this in JasperReport? If not, what other free tools are able to do this?

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I see no reason why Jasper/iReport cannot accomplish this, supports everything you need, set your page height, width to match up with your pre-printed paper size including the appropriate margins and then design your report to match the output to the form fields. Will take a bunch of trial and error to set the x,y positions of the text elements to match up with the printed output unless you know exactly what they are.  Not overly challenging (in my humble opinion)

While I haven't specifically done printed output to a pre-printed from, I have done something similar where I had to have a pre-defined graphic behind the text report and the text elements had to line up at specific x,y co-ordinates to display in specific positions, worked perfectly for me.

Personally, I would proboably completely do the form in iReport vs overlay on the pre-printed form unless you have an absolute requirement to use the paper pre-printed form.   Either way should work though.

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