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How to create a multiline static text for a report description, &how to stretch title band with it?


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I want to have a several line report description in the Title band, under the report tile.

I tried putting in a "label static text", but in iReport, you cant add more than a single line as when you hit Enter, it takes you out of editing, and if you keep typing, the text just dissapears off to the right - it has no wrap.

I tried with multiple single line "lable static fields", one above the other, but this doesnt work well.

I tried with the text field, but it tries to parse the text so generates compile errors.

I cant see any option in the static text opject properties to allow iReport to use the Enter key and create mutilple lines. 

I tried SHIFT-Enter, CTRL-Enter etc. but they dont put in a new line either.

Once I find a solution, how do I make the title bar expand down to fit the extra lines of the static text? 

Currently, If I add extra lines of text using the [..] editor in the "static text properties" editor thing on the right, they are lost, i.e. the title band does not stretch to accomodate the data in it.  It clips.  how do I get it to stretch?  i tried setting all the stretch type parametrs.

I basically just dragged the static text onto the title bar, and put it below the title.  I experimended with frames, but these dont seem to do anything useful.

If anyone knows of any documentation of tutorials with this kind of stuff, please point the way.

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I would settle for putting the report description in the "Summary" band at the end, if this would allow a multiline text input which expanded the band to fit (rather than cut off), and had some kind of word wrap, not matter how crude.
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