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How to reference java.lang.Boolean parameter in my SQL query?


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I've created iReport parameters of type java.lang.Boolean before and found that I can type in   true   or    false    while testing in iReport and use the checkbox input control after the report has been deployed to JasperReports Server.  And I can use the parameter in Groovy scripts for Print When expressions as though it naturally evaluates to a logical true or false, etc:     $P{booleanParameter}  &&  !$F{someTextField}.isEmpty()    for example.

BUT...how can I use a Boolean parameter in my SQL parameter?  For example, let's say I want a checkbox that reads "Include Closed Accounts?"  I define $P{includeClosed} as type java.lang.Boolean, and I set the default value to     false     (no quotes around it, all lowercase).   So far, so good.  But what is my SQL query?



is what I'd like to do, but the SQL parser in iReport seems to balk at me using the Boolean parameter as an actual true or false value.

I also tried   WHERE ACCOUNT.CLOSE_DATE IS NULL OR $P{includeClosed}='true'  , which gets past the syntax checker, but it never evaluates to true (I only get open accounts, regardless of what I enter for this parameter).  I also tried casting the parameter to Boolean, but I don't think there is such a thing in SQL, nor do I understand why it should be necessary in this case.

I've temporarily changed this and two similar Boolean parameters to instead be string, where I assume the value is either "T" or "F", and in JasperReports Server, I have in fact set up a single select from list of values input control where I translate "Yes" and "No" choices from a dropdown to "T" and "F", but selecting Yes and No from a dropdown isn't nearly as convenient for the user as checking or not checking a single checkbox.

Any ideas?  Thanks.


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I guess that you can't just put the Boolean into most SQL dialects. I suspect PostgreSQL would handle it.

I think you'll find the 2-parameter solution best for this case. The user has a checkbox for $P{includeClosed} as type java.lang.Boolean. Then you have a String parameter $P{includeClosedSQL}. Don't prompt for this one. Give it a default value like this:

$P{includeClosed} ? "OR ACCOUNT.CLOSE_DATE IS NOT NULL" : ""

Then your SQL can be this:




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With the iReport Query Language as SQL, using 1 or 0 instead of 'true' or 'false' in query expression worked for me.  Example:

     COALESCE(Orders."date_OrderDropDead",Orders."date_OrderRequestedToShip") BETWEEN (CASE WHEN($P{true_false_input}= 1) THEN CAST($P{date_start}-120 AS DATE) ELSE $P{date_start} END) AND $P{date_end}

Above condition shows a date range going back an extra 120 days if  true_false_input is set to 'true'.  SQL seems to read that as 1 and 'false' as 0.

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