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Using dynamic resource key name


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Hi guys,

I want to generate a report whose header is different depending on the data that's inside the report: e.g if I show data for a month then the header should be "Monthly report" and if the data is for a week the header should be "Weekly report". Of course, the header should be internationlized.

I tried to solve this by using a parameter named reportType that's passed to the report template and then in the report template do something like this for the report header:


This doesn't work; when I try to compile this(in iReport) I get the following error: Syntax on token "$R", Assignment Operator expected after this token. Is there a way how I can achieve this?

As a workaround, I could use the $P{reportType} parameter to contain the value of the resource bundle item that I nedd to display, but I don't want to do this because then if the resource bundle changes the references to it would have to be changed both in the report template and in the code.



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Try this workaround: create 2 identical text fields in your header (ie with the same x, y, width, height, style, etc), but with different printWhenExpressions and textFieldExpressions.
Depending on their printWhenExpression, one of these text fields will be printed out in monthly reports, the other one in the weekly reports.

Hope this helps,


Post Edited by shertage at 03/02/2011 13:45
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