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JRBeanCollectionDataSource from list


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How would I populate a jasper report for a one-to-many relationship?  Below is a silly example, but it makes the point for the question.  Instead of having 4 Car objects I have just one and the 4 tires are a list of the Car.


1) Can Jasper report handle this?

2) if no, then would I need to collect a list of Car objects and TireType objects, keeping them together?

  ie {Car1, Tire1}, {Car1, Tire2}....{Car2, Tire1} etc.

 3) Or do is it required to use sub-reports in this situation (I can create the report without subreports using sql code as the base of the report so I was hoping to have it work the same way with beans.

Thank you.



Post Edited by icccapital at 01/27/2011 15:33
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hi, you have to create the following fields on your main report

name, (set Type String0
tires, (set Type Collection)

Create on detail band a subSeport.
select  use JrDataSource Expression.

put new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{tires})

and add the fields of your TireType Bean on your subreport.

Post Edited by danielnb at 01/31/2011 17:01
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