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Multiple hierarchies in dimension.


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First of all, I know that this has been discussed in several threads, and in particular in those:


Basically what is said there is that we cannot access anthing but the first hierarchy of a dimension in the cube navigator in the analysis view. However, the other "hidden" hierarchies can be accessed directly by specifying them in the MDX query (which is ok when you have the cube schema in mind, but not relevant for a non-technical user of the analysis view).

I know that this feature works like a charm on JPivot (when you install it from SourceForge) and can't figure out why it's not on Jasper (I assume that JPivot was forked an maintained under the Jasper codebase...). Is there a reasonnable reason I am missing why this is not woking ? Is this fixed in JasperServer 4 or planned for sometime ?

Thanks for your answer.

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