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Conditional Styles in Tables


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The situation:

1. Currently using iReport 4.0

2. I've created a report with an XML file as a datasource

3. I added a table with a subdataset

4. Automatic styles were added for TH, CH and TD

5. One of the columns in the table displays the round a sporting match occues in.

6. I'd like to change the top border of the TD when the round changes. The result will be a thick border accross a row splitting groups of data apart.


My issue is accessing values from the subdataset in the styles part of the editor. Any help, or an example would be greatly appreciated.

Post Edited by fionn_colvin at 01/16/2011 21:50
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I feel like I sort of understand what you want... but not quite perfectly. It might take a screenshot to say, "I see X, but I expected to see Y."

On the other hand, I speculate that you'll have an easier time just adding a line object and setting its Print When expression to display only in the first row of each group.


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Thanks for the reply. I'll try to elorabte a bit.

For all my reports I use XML files as my datasource and I always use Datasets for individual tables. I'll attach an example xml for reference.

My report level xml query is "/championReport"

I then add a Dataset with a query of "//match" with all fields under match for that Dataset. I then add a table with that Dataset as its Datasource.

How do I add a condional style refering to "totalPenalties' for example? I seem to only be able to access report level fields for conditional styles.


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